Timothy Van Laar

Timothy Van Laar (born 1951[1] in Ann Arbor, Michigan) is an American artist, writer, and full time professor.


Art career

Van Laar produces art works in multiple formats including, paintings, drawings and installation pieces some of which have been exhibited throughout North America and Europe.[2] He has received fellowships and grants and other support from multiple organizations including the Pew Charitable Trusts. Some of the most well known works are the postcard paintings[3] Van Laar has been featured in exhibits at major art museums, including The Detroit Institute of Arts.

Van Laar's most recent artworks deal with the nature of representation in painting. A single painting merges multiple historical approaches to how paint is applied, how paintings create meaning, and how paintings define their subject matter.


He is co-author of two books with Leonard Diepeveen: Active Sights: Art as Social Interaction[4] and Art with a Difference: Looking at Difficult and Unfamiliar Art[5]. Other works include reviews and numerous essays.[6]

Education and Professional Positions

Currently Van Laar resides in Chicago and Champaign, Illinois. He attended Calvin College for his undergraduate degree and obtained his MFA degree at Wayne State University. Currently he is a Professor of Art in the School of Art and Design at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.[7]



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